2013年度冬学期 都市設計特論第三(都市工学)/ 設計製図第二(建築学)
原発が爆発したところとして、抽象的にしか理解されなくなってしまったフクシマは、実態のある福島、もしくは双葉郡という地域 です。あるいは南相馬、浪江、双葉、大熊、富岡、楢葉、広野、いわき、という個別の自治体の集合体であり、人々が暮らしてきた文化や歴史を蓄積した土地として捉える必要があります。それが、再生への不可欠な一歩です。
Recovery of the Scenery in FUKUSHIMA
Fukushima became widely known as a place of one of the worst nuclear accidents. Here we propose the recovery process of Fukushima. There are several potential difficulties such as declining population. And of course, the disaster caused severer situation. We focus on Futaba County, which includes nuclear plants, and start the discussion from the return of the high school students.
This proposal consists of 3 points. First, we propose “Futaba County Hall” to encourage the solidarity and collaboration between the municipalities. Second, we design the recovery of Naraha town where we can expect citizens to return earlier than other towns in Futaba County. And third, we propose the recovery of Futaba town, the most seriously damaged town with some new ideas such as “soil transfer ceremony”. With those recovery processes, the people who were high school students in the disaster can have several chances to return to their home town, to get a job, to get a family house, or to spend a retired life. Through all the discussions, we’d been always tried to keep the timeline in our mind, which is sometimes long, hundreds years, and sometimes short, decades, to get the flexible and appropriate ideas.
fig.1 is our timeline and at the same time is the outline of our project.
This project questions the independence of municipalities of Futaba area in the near future. It is well known that contemporary Japan is in a demographic shrinking process. Unfortunately, the disaster of 2011 does not benefit Futaba County in general shrinking process. Depopulation causes reduction of the taxpayer. The reduction of the taxpayer brings financial independence of municipalities and their public services in danger. Such a reduction of the taxpayers would result into an amalgamation of municipalities. The advantages of amalgamation are: more efficient financing and usage of public services; and more efficient city management. However, there are a few disadvantages, such as, loss of autonomy and struggle to understand each other needs.Proposed process does not stop amalgamation, but rather creates a smooth transition to reduce the disadvantages of it . Creation of the common recovery process creates united Futaba ounty Community and encourages municipal politicians to be solidary and collaborate with each other. We believe that those goals could be reached by one building. A building that we call Futaba County Hall(fig2).
County hall travels around eight municipalities, hypothetically in 20 years or 240 months, which is approximately one generation. This cycle follows partly projected and partly assumed reopening of the area. The journey will show the importance of each community and the necessity to share and collaborate with each other. The building stays 30 months, which is 2.5 years, in one place: 3 months for the site preparation and building assembling, further, 21 months usage of the building, finally, 2 months disassembling of the building and site tidy up. After the cycle, the building will stay at its final place in Futaba as a symbol.
Recovery of Naraha-townWe propose the recovery plan around Tatsuta Station where 40 % of Naraha citizens were living. After decontamination, we start this plan from April 2015.Here, we propose “Futaba Fukko (meaning recovery) Partners” (fig3) and residence for new citizens.
Recovery of Futaba-townWe propose the way to connect citizens with highly polluted hometown in the future. Today we can't know when citizens of Futaba town can return to their hometown due to the high radiation dose. However, we think they should have various ways to keep in touch with Futaba town. So, we make some patterns of returning plans in accordance with their lives and risks of radioactivity. On the other hand, Futaba town has a nuclear plant and will host temporary soil storage. We would like to give an honor as the most important memorial place to Futaba town. For that aim, we propose " soil transfer ceremony “(fig4).